Irish Draught Horse Society of North America (IDHSNA) Pedigrees
Reverse pedigree of:
Bridon Lady Luck
(Mare) 05/13/2001
F0106; Bay
Registered Irish Draught Horse; Approved
COI: 2.49%
Breeder: Brianne G. and Elizabeth B. Sells
Tully Cross Elora Danan
(Mare) 05/13/2010
FS1001897; Chestnut
Tully Cross Gibbs Rules
(Gelding) 05/05/2012
MS1202340; Bay
Tully Cross Glenaerie
(Mare) 03/14/2005
FP0501186; chestnut
Eilish Spring
(Mare) 03/31/2010
FP1001879; Bay