Irish Draught Horse Society of North America (IDHSNA) Pedigrees
Reverse pedigree of:
Highland Flight
Thoroughbred; Standard
Highland King
(Gelding) 01/01/1994
MS9401504; Liver CH

Highlight 2
Errigal Flight
Ballinakill Popsey
(Mare) 01/01/1994
Ballinakill Glory
(Mare) 05/29/1999
FS9901331; Bay
Ballinakill Pearl
(Mare) 04/28/2018
CPF1800024; Chestnut
Ballinakill Poppy
(Mare) 05/01/2015
CPF1500025; Chestnut
Kariga Lion
Aquila Lion
(Mare) 04/22/2009
FS0902113; Chestnut
Miss Moneypenny
(Mare) 04/19/2008
FS0801892; Chestnut
Keltic Lion
Ceili Belle Lion
(Mare) 05/02/2017
CPF1700015; Grey
Highlight Girl
RID 10693;
Diamond Clover
RID 824;
FNF Gillian's Clover
(Stallion) 04/27/1999
M034; Chestnut
Clover All Over
(Mare) 07/30/2004
FS0401622; Chestnut
Clover's Amazing Grace
(Mare) 07/05/2005
FS0501250; Chestnut
Clover's Danny Boy
(Gelding) 05/22/2004
MS0401573; Bay
Clover's Lil Feather
(Mare) 05/04/2006
FS0601572; Chestnut
Crimson in Clover
(Mare) 04/14/2006
FS0601430; Sorrel
Gillian's Lucky Penny
(Mare) 05/01/2005
FS0501374; Bay
Life of Riley
(Gelding) 05/09/2008
MS0802116; Grey
My Clover Collection
(Mare) 06/20/2005
FS0501577; Brown
Oliver Twisted
(Gelding) 06/29/2009
MS0902105; Bay
Strong Tower's Clover King
(Gelding) 04/02/2006
MS0601335; Chestnut
FNF Pendragon's Clover
(Stallion) 04/22/2001
MP0101232; Chestnut
Gillian's Clover
Colors of Clover
(Gelding) 05/01/2003
MS0301625; Chestnut
Queenie Wahine
(Mare) 05/24/1996
F2003; Bay

Bridon Glenpark
(Gelding) 05/06/2003
MP0301117; Bay
Bridon Noblesse
(Mare) 04/14/2013
FS1302177; Bay
Bridon Tierny
(Stallion) 05/12/2002
PR0287; Bay
Laughton's Flight
ISH 34975;
FourFields Bella Flight
(Mare) 05/05/2014
FS1402736; Chestnut
Heather Blosem
AID 1941992;
(Gelding) 01/01/1994
G007; Grey